

Pixel (Ch GMH Nordais Sako of Caroway MH** X Nordais Pure Water Lover Naya JH), trained and handled by Thierry Lefrançois, had an exceptional year 2016. First, he completed his Master Hunter title on June 26th at the test held by le Club du Chien Rapporteur du Saguenay Lac St-Jean. Then, on July 9th, he got a 2nd place in the Qualifying held by le Club du Chien Rapporteur de Montréal, becoming one of the three Qualified all-age Chesapeakes in Canada. Finally, he qualified at the Master National, becoming one of the only two Canadian National Master Hunter Chesapeakes. He is now MNH Nordais Pixel MH***. Congratulations to Thierry for his perseverance and knowledge!Pixelqaa


Our Nordais Unique Java WC WCI WCX JH SH MH (Bur Oak’s Unique Trapper *** X Ch Nordais Fidèle Tornade) completed her Master title on June 24th at le Club du Chien Rapporteur du Saguenay Lac St-Jean.Javamh

Our own Nordais Totem JH SH ( Ch Shallcross Lake’s Chaamp MH** X Nordais Unique Toscane JH SH MH)Totemshcompleted her Senior Hunter title without failure this spring. She shows promise for more advanced stakes.

annie qualNordais avec le Temps** “Annie” (Ch Shallcross Lake’s Chaamp MH** X Nordais Unique Toscane JH SH MH) earned a derby JAM at the Sacramento Valley Retriever Club on February 28. She also won the Qualifying at the Treasure Lake Retriever Club on July 15. She is now Qualified all-age! Annie is owned by David and Stephanie Beach and trained and handled by Bill Totten